Many Have Asked

After the publication of two books, one late last year and the other earlier this year (Iron–take a look at the Kirkus review, and The Last Summoner: Conquest in January) there has been some interest expressed in the Druids. Here’s an earlier article we published on the subject. It makes for interesting reading.

The Silver Eagle — Book Review

In a nutshell, this series will probably appeal to readers who are looking for light entertainment rather than any serious Ancient Roman-based fiction. I read the first book in the Forgotten Legion trilogy by Ben Kane. I probably wouldn’t have bothered with the second book, except I bought all three on special offer from aContinue reading “The Silver Eagle — Book Review”

In Solitude’s Shadow — Review

I have found with my years of reading that debut novels often lack finesse. As with any new creator, we must expect a period of skill honing. In Solitude’s Shadow is no different from other debut novels in this regard, such as a little too much telling and clumsy exposition; it is also a littleContinue reading “In Solitude’s Shadow — Review”

Best Read Worst Read ’23

Twenty-twenty-three was a year of new authors for me. Despite receiving recommendations for the works of Joe Abercrombie, I hadn’t yet delved into his grimdark world. The second trilogy in the First Law series had languished in my Kindle library for ages. I tried Kazuo Ishiguro for the first–and probably the last–time. Robert Jordan droveContinue reading “Best Read Worst Read ’23”

Never Let Me Go — Kazuo Ishiguro

The author has a way with words, for want of a better cliché. He paints a vivid picture of a dystopian near future. However, I got an immediate sense of The Midwich Cuckoos with this tale, as if Meat Loaf had remastered Bat Out of Hell and tweaked all the raw talent out of it. I found Kathy’s narrativeContinue reading “Never Let Me Go — Kazuo Ishiguro”

A Bit About the Druids

Druids feature heavily in Micheál’s books. Here’s a little more about them. Druids – who and what were they? Druids are a contentious subject. Who were they? What was their role? How much of the sixteenth-century romanticists’ interpretation (take Merlin) is conjecture, and how much can be considered realistic? Aside from Archaeological evidence, all weContinue reading “A Bit About the Druids”